Our Superfood complex is designed to be the ultimate, all-in-one companion of our patented Acne Control Vitamins. The Clear Skin Superfood Booster complex 'completes' the nutritional needs of the body for good health and great skin - it has everything (63 ingredients) from 416% RDA natural vitamin C per teaspoon to omegas 3-6-9, all essential amino acids, vitamin E, D, Bs and other micronutrients and minerals, eg. organic zinc, silica, harmonising and immunity building herbs like Ashwagandha and ginsengs, alkalising greens, high antioxidant super fruits, digestive health ingredients like enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics to help with the absorption of nutrients and improve other body functions.
In addition, skinB5's superfood contains bioactive collagen peptides VERISOL® to keep your skin looking youthful.
So, if you include a teaspoon of the skinB5™ superfood as well as taking your Extra Strength Tablets daily, you will see even better results!
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