Pimples can cause a lot of pain…be it physically, socially, financially, and emotionally.
SkinB5 Extra Strength Acne Control Vitamins is one of the world's most advanced clear skin tablets available today. It’s scientifically formulated to treat facial and body acne from WITHIN, without side effects. Suitable for all skin types, it’s ideal for teenage and adult acne sufferers who wish to effectively control acne naturally, without using pharmaceutical drugs or other harsh topical products.
SkinB5’s advanced formula delivers key skin and acne clearing vitamins and minerals to help your body target main root causes of acne, namely hormonal imbalance, weak immune response, overproduction of skin oil and stress.
Unlike other B5 formulations on the market, skinB5 acne treatment is a listed Complementary Medicine in Australia, under the strictest regulations in the world for safety, efficacy, and quality of supplement products.
The skinB5 formulation is also much more superior because we apply a well tolerable dose of Vitamin B5, supported by a unique combination of other powerful acne clearing nutrients to make sure that it clears acne effectively, whilst improves overall health and wellbeing of users. SkinB5 formulations have been designed around efficacy, tolerance by the body and balance, suitable for long term usage.
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